Cle de licence onesafe pc cleaner
Cle de licence onesafe pc cleaner

cle de licence onesafe pc cleaner

You can choose to follow our recommendations or customize your settings in order to optimize the performance of your computer.

cle de licence onesafe pc cleaner

  • Optimize the settings for your security and Internet system: Optimize your computer’s settings to ensure that it runs in the fastest and most efficient way possible.
  • OneSafe PC Cleaner Pro also identifies and deletes unnecessary entries in the registry. The software searches for and deletes invalid shortcuts and files left behind by uninstalled programs.
  • Delete unwanted files and shortcuts: OneSafe PC Cleaner Pro finds and deletes junk files and shortcuts that accumulate on your PC over time, taking up space on your hard drive.
  • Startup and shutdown times can be improved dramatically when just a few programs are deleted from the Start menu.
  • Accelerate your computer’s startup time: Is your computer taking forever to startup? The Startup Manager makes it easy to identify and delete unwanted programs in your ‘Start’ menu.
  • Fix Windows errors on your PC! Fix and correct all your errors, Clean up your PC thoroughly, Simplify your PC’s maintenance! Keep your computer clean and optimized and protect your privacy.

    Cle de licence onesafe pc cleaner